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We are a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative therapies intended to improve outcomes in patients sufferings

Pharma Team

Company was founded by scientists dedicated to create new therapeutics.

Our Team

Pharma Focus

We Interrogate the inner life of GPCR signaling to develop newest therapeutics.

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Pharma Pipeline

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Development pipeline

Balanced mix of new substance developments and life cycle management opportunities.

We focus on core competencies and its many years of experience. We thus hold a leading position in many therapeutic fields: for instance in the treatment of hemophilia and multiple sclerosis, in contrast media and oral contraception. We are also striving for such a leading position in oncology.


Preclinical Studies


Chemical Library


Mechanism of Action

Why Choose Us?

About Us
Fair Prices

At vero eos et accusam ejusto duo dolores et ea rebum clita gubergren.

Taking Care of Nature

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Newest Technologies

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High Customer Satisfaction

Nosea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Development pipeline


Preclinical Studies


Chemical Library


Mechanism of Action

Balanced mix of new substance developments and life cycle management opportunities.

We focus on core competencies and its many years of experience. We thus hold a leading position in many therapeutic fields: for instance in the treatment of hemophilia and multiple sclerosis, in contrast media and oral contraception. We are also striving for such a leading position in oncology.

Terra Australis Pharmaceuticals PTY LTD is our operating and research affiliate headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia

Contact: info@australispharma.com

Address: 4596 Ish Drive Unit 230, Simi Valley, CA 93063